So Beanie has been a pretty good sleeper from day one. The second night in the hospital and the first night at home were horrendous but after that, he got good at snoozin :) Obviously we have a hairy night every now and then, but on average, he only wakes one or two times. Dustin has been super dad and is really good at helping me at night, especially on the weekends. Usually Bean wakes up around 7AM to eat and play and on the weekends, Dust will get up with him and let me sleep in. He's pretty awesome :)
Good Sleeper :) |
Bean still sleeps roughly 18 hours a day, but he is becoming more and more alert. He has been able to follow us with his eyes for a few weeks but he is getting better at it all the time. He notices when we enter the room, when Midnight is around, when the TV is on, his food source ;) and when we make loud noises. We are getting to know what he likes and he dislikes. For example, he HATES his changing table and almost always throws a fit when I put him on it but if I change him anywhere else, he is totally relaxed. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his swing (Thanks Ruth!!!!) and his mobile. He loves the "soundscapes" channel and we turn it on for him in the morning so that he can nap or play listening to the soothing music. He is such a good baby and I am so thankful for that.
Hanging out in my swing :) |
Annoyed with the changing table... |
I am still waiting for the morning that I can wake up, run to the computer, and blog about how Beanie slept the whole night! In the meantime I'll just be grateful that he is happy, healthy, and isn't up all night :)
Hi! |
L<3ve |
:) |
Besides sleeping good and becoming more alert, Bean has changed in other ways this week. He started drooling constantly. In fact, I have to wipe him down before nearly every picture. The little black spots on his tongue that I was super worried about last week went away, too.
Notice the drool and no black spots :) |
Bean is now wearing size 3 month clothes, barely. It won't be long before he is in 3-6 months clothes. When we go in public, people are shocked at the fact that he is only 6 1/2 weeks old. He now weighs 13 lbs and is 24 inches long :)I think that many people at home will be surprised to see just what a big boy he is! He is now wearing size two sad :( He went through one box of newborns before he graduated to size ones. After one box of size ones, he is already onto size twos. He is getting too big, too fast!
Also this week, Dustin noticed that Bean had a little red pointer finger. When we looked closer, we realized it was due to a hang nail. We (Dust) had clipped his nails slightly crooked and it resulted in a hang nail. I began to google what we could do for it (I panicked per usual). When I found a website that explained it could be a hair tourniquate and could result in loss of finger, Dustin told me to chill out and stop googling haha. I called my mom, a nurse, and she said to put a little neosporin on it. We did, and sure enough the next morning it looked much better.
Poor Baby! |
As I mentioned last week, Beanie had a very slight case of cradle cap. In order to get rid of it, you simple brush a fine toothed comb through his hair after a bath or lotioning. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of doing this is hair loss. This week, we began to notice that Beanie was losing some of his cute strawberry-blonde hair :'( The cradle cap was located mostly on the top of his head so that is where the hair loss has occurred. I keep telling myself it was bound to fall out anyway so I'm trying not to dwell.
Still so cute :) |
haha I love this one! |
:'( |
Lastly, this week was super exciting for us. Bean began to smile!!!! He has smiled while sleeping or passing gas since birth, but this week, he started "socially smiling." He also is cooing and playing when I put him on the floor to play more. He has smiled at me two different times and at midnight several times. He is so cute when he smiles and he has a dimple! It is funny because only one side has a dimple, just like me :) Unfortunately, I haven't caught one of these "social" smiles on camera yet, but I am working on it! In the meantime, here is an "almost" smile to hold you over :).
I clicked the camera too late :( |
Don`t worry about the cradle cap, most babies have it. Loved the side profile pic & of course the smiley ones. Actually i love them all. Talked to Deneen before work & read her most of your blog. Hope you guys had a nice anniversary.