Friday, January 1, 2021

December 2020

 December was much like November...we packed as much holiday fun into 31 days as possible! We continued on with all of our fun traditions including our elf and elf pet, Christmas cards, special ornaments, Dorothy B Oven lights, Allison spectacular, gingerbread competition and so many more! We are lovers of Christmas, that is for sure. Santa was good to the babies and we were able to travel home to Indiana for Christmas which was amazing after such a rough year. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see Grandma Lucy or Granny Ruth which was a HARD pill to swallow. We love both of them so very much and they were sorely missed.

More than anything, as this year comes to a close we are thankful for health, especially my dad's, and wonderful friends and family. Here is to a better 2021. We love you all!