Sunday, January 31, 2016

Xavier's Conference

I had a conference with Xavier's teacher this week. I am happy to report that she thinks he is just as bright and special as we do! :)

She started by handing me his ASQ test which is essentially a standardized test for little kids. I have mentioned this in previous posts as he has had 3 or 4 of these. The teacher works individually with the student and asks them all of the questions that are on the test appropriate for their age group. The ASQ measures Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Social Skills and a few other things. While going over his test, she pointed out all of his great attributes and it felt so good to hear her go on and on about how special he is :)

He received perfect scores in every category except Fine Motor in which he received a 55/60. This is due to the fact that he REFUSES to hold a writing utensil correctly. Dustin and I were already well aware of this so we have purchased some gripping tools on Amazon that we are hopeful will remedy this issue. Again-- he is 3 so I am trying not to sweat it.

A few cliff notes from this conference:
-He is known for correcting his friends when they don't follow directions. She said he is the definition of a "rule follower" which is interesting because we see him much more lax at home.
- He is obsessed with washing his hands. He may have gotten some of his mama's OCD...
- He has a million friends and is well liked :)
- There is a group of 4 or 5 little boys (him included) that rough house and wrestle the entire recess. She said they are all boy and play so rough! She said it is no issue, however, because they know the limits and never cross the line. She said it is hilarious to watch :)
- When she is teaching a lesson he is fixated on her. She said she can see his little brain soaking up everything she has to say. He is a very good listener.
-He can identify every letter of the alphabet (with the exception of sometimes mixing up 'w' and 'm') and can write many as well.

Overall, we are just feeling so blessed. She described him as "kind-hearted and brilliant." What more can a mommy ask for?!

Dustin and I just couldn't be more proud of this little guy. We love him so very much and while I struggle with him getting older and growing out of the baby phase, we are so excited to see what he accomplishes in this life :)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Rolling Over!

Though Luke has rolled a time or two here and there, he only last week (7.5 months) started rolling on a regular basis. He is rolling tummy to back like a pro. He is not rolling back to tummy, however. This could very well be because he hates being on his stomach so he has no motivation to do so. I have seen him do it so I am not worried in the slightest!

Here is a video to prove it ;-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kids Say...

Setting: X jumping on his trampoline

Xavier singing very loudly: "For mamas you say 'yes ma'am' and for daddies you say 'yes sir!'"

He usually sings nonsense words so this song was hilarious to us :)

Monday, January 25, 2016


This week (7.5 months) Luke got his first 2 teeth!! We have been battling these teeth for MONTHS so we were so happy when they finally pushed through!

I picked him up from school on Wednesday and the first of the two teeth had pushed through. I knew something was askew when I arrived because he was sucking on a pacifier!! Luke hasn't taken a pacifier since he was 8 weeks old, and even then he didn't really like it. I had completely forgotten that I had sent one with him in those first few weeks :)

He thought it was hilarious that he had a titi!

That evening, he put his new teeth to work...on his brother!

Xavier didn't mind. In fact, they both got the giggles and couldn't calm down! :)

As Xavier says, "He is getting bigger!"

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kids Say...

SETTING: Driving home from daycare

Xavier: Mama! My teacher said we don't have school Monday because it is Margaret the King's birthday!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kids Say...

X: Mama! When Santa comes, don't set the "Robot Danger" (home alarm system).

Me: Santa will come down the chimney so we can still set it.

X: (Thinking very hard) Hold on a second...doesn't that mean the bad guys can come down th chimney and take my presents?!

He then proceeds to go get his Jake sword and put it by the fireplace "just in case."


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Finsishing Up Break

My parents and the Stakemans headed out after breakfast on New Years Day leaving me and my boys 3 full days to spend together. It was so nice. We spent every waking hour playing, putting together toys, cleaning and organizing, eating out, shopping and completing projects around the house.

Dust showing X how the sleeping back works!

New bedding!

Luke's favorite Christmas Gift

Thanks Mimi

Grandpa's Race Track

Putting together the Trampoline!

Meanwhile inside...this is how he chose to watch TV...


A work in progress but getting there!

Hallway Pics Hung

Project :)

Luke talking to Midnight :)

my Loves!

We had such a great weekend together. It is rare that we have nothing planned and this time together was just amazing!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Years!

The next day, the boys wanted to open all of their new presents and play with everything! We spent the morning at home playing and constructing toys before meeting Mimi and Papa for lunch at Outback. After lunch and some more shopping, we headed home for nap time.

Meanwhile, the Stakemans had been vacationing in FL since right after Christmas so they left Disney that morning and arrived in Tallahassee just in time to celebrate New Year's with us. We all met up to swim at their and my parent's hotel. We had great fun getting all the kiddos together and bringing in the New Year (well until 8PM at least...)

After putting the babies down, Dust and I enjoyed a quiet and much needed evening together. Going 4 days without eachother is hard these days! :)

Happy New Year everyone!