Monday, August 31, 2015

Homework Time

When school started a couple weeks ago, Xavier was promoted to the next class. In this class of 3/4 year olds, there is even more of an academic curriculum. We know what they are learning each week and there are designated portions of the day for seat work and circle learning. We love that he is being introduced to more of a formal learning style but still has LOTS of play time :)

The biggest change in his new class is the addition of homework. Each Monday a folder of worksheet is sent home and it is our responsibility to make sure that it is completed and turned in on Friday. So far, homework has been a hit! Because I teach youngsters, you'd think that this would be me and Bean's "thing" but Dust has totally taken the ropes on this one. I sit nearby, of course, to chime in when I see him picking up a bad habit, but overall, Dust has been the homework king!

It has really been fun for Bean too! He is so proud of each assignment and we hang them on our walls until it is time to collect the completed work Thrusday evening :)

We are having a blast and LOVE that our little guy is such a sponge!

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Last week I was reviewing the blog. I have done this a lot since Luke was born because I like to compare timelines and pictures. It helps me to remember what milestones should be reached and I like to know who did what :)

Anyway, I noticed that at around this age, X slept for nearly the whole night for the first time and was telling Dustin about it. Luke must have been listening because like clockwork, that night he slept from 9 PM to 5AM! And has slept amazingly nearly every night since!

We are so happy that our little guy is sleeping good and pray that it continues :)

sleepy bug

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Social Butterfly!

So last weekend Bean was invited to two separate birthday parties. Because they overlapped, I was able to get him to both parties. The first party was at a park in town with all of his school friends. It was a little girl named Ari's 3rd birthday. As soon as we arrived, he ran to his friends and played and laughed and sang. It is obvious that these babies spend lots of time together. The parents of these children are just so sweet and thoughtful and it is wonderful to know that he has become friends with kiddos from good families :)

Turtle baby!

Turtle Brother :)

X and Charlie

Sprinkler fun

Best Friends :)

After an hour or so of playing, Daddy arrived from work! We stayed for a bit for cake and the birthday song and then it was off to the next party...

Party Animal


Daddy helped us pack up the car and put babies in and then we headed to Elsie's birthday party. Xavier knows Elle from swim lessons (they were at her house) and I am good friends with Elle's mama! This party was essentially a work party for me :) Several of my coworkers have babies the same age as ours.

L and X

LB's first swim!


Party Time!

By the time we got home, we were exhausted! Lots of excitement for one little Saturday! We are so blessed to have made such good friends in Tallahassee. It feels more and more like home each day :)