Monday, October 5, 2015

Mama's 28th Birthday!

This year, my birthday fell on a Monday so we opted to celebrate the Sunday beforehand. We had initially planned a trip to Jacksonville, but because the previous day was so busy, we decided to keep it a little more local ;-)

The day started with breakfast donuts that my donut delivery boys (Dust and X) brought me. Xavier had fun with daddy picking out just the right donut for me.

After daddy got a quick workout in, we headed to Thomasville, GA where we spent the afternoon at an indoor blow-up playground. Xavier didn't nap so we were a little worried that he would fall apart. He did great, though, and play for 2 solid hours before finally deciding he had had enough bouncing fun.


Sleeping Baby


Daddy made me..

Wasting money on vending machine junk...every kids dream!

Once we left Leap Frogz, we headed back to Tallahassee. X fell asleep immediately and napped until we reached the restaurant, Flying Bear.

Unfortunately, Xavier did not get a long enough nap so this is the only pic of dinner I snapped before he hoarded my phone for the remainder of the meal. We aren't typically "those" parents that lets our kid play with electronics through dinner but on this day, we were.

After dinner, we walked down the sidewalk to a local cupcake shop for birthday dessert only to find that it had closed for the day. It was decided that we would just run to the grocery and Dustin would hop out of the car and grab something we could stick candles in. Bean wouldn't have it any other way!

Long story short, he parked, ran in for cake and in the meantime, Luke got fussy so I hopped in the driver's seat and started driving around the parking lot while watching for him at the entrance. Well, I missed it when he exited the store and so I was driving around while he was searching for the the rain..while holding a cake...and some groceries..hahahahaha. We had several good laughs over that one. I had a blonde moment I guess :)

Once we got home, they lit my candles and sang to me and we spent the evening as we always do-- snuggling our babies :)

We had such a great day together!

The next day (my actual birthday) I was spoiled at work by my friends and kiddos! A friend brought me a special pumpkin spice breakfast...

For lunch, a parent brought me Panera and flowers...

And there were lots of gifts and cards in between :)

It was a great day :)

1 comment:

  1. All this shows you are truly loved & appreciated.
    Sharing your special day with your family is the best.
