Friday, September 4, 2015

Kids Say...

Dustin and I were talking a couple nights ago about how hilarious the conversations we have with Bean are. Then it hit me, why am I not blogging about this?! I immediately decided to start a new label titled "Kids Say" so that we can start sharing with you the funny things that he says. I know that one day I will look back at this and laugh and hopefully he will, too!

The specific conversation that prompted this enlightened movement went as follows:


Mommy: "Xavier, what letter is this?"
X: "B!"
Mommy: "Good! What words start with a B?"
X: "Hmm...Benji, boogers, boat...POOP!"
Mommy: "....close."


1 comment:

  1. CUTE!!!!!!
    Can`t wait to hear more as he translates his thoughts.
