Sunday, July 12, 2015

LB's one month checkup!

A couple days before Luke's scheduled 1 month appointment, he started being fussy constantly. If he was awake, I was holding him or wearing him to keep him calm. Because he was about 5 weeks old and this is when the onset of colic occurs, I assumed that was what it was.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, we were seen immediately. First, Luke was put on the scale. He weighed a whopping 12lbs-- 86th percentile. Surprise, surprise :) Also, he measured 21.5 inches long--56th percentile. He isn't quite as big as X was (he was 90th+ in all categories) but I'm sure it won't be long...

When the nurse practitioner came in, I asked her lots of questions that I had been compiling over the last few weeks. One of which was about his fussiness and his pulling away from the bottle toward the middle/end of each meal. When she looked inside his mouth, she diagnosed him with thrush which could be the root of all of this fussiness. We were given a prescription and told that it should help.

So, we are on day 2 of the medicine and I think he is improving a bit. I am hopeful (and prayerful) that this little stint is in fact the thrush and not colic. It's been a rough week or so and I can't imagine doing it for the 4 months that colic typically lasts. So pray for us! It's awful watching your little one be miserable and listening to it isn't easy either :(

On the flip side, I keep reminding myself of what we've been through and how we prayed for this baby so if we have to endure a few months of crying, so be it :)

1 comment:

  1. What a chunky baby & so cute - looks just like X.
    Sorry he is having some problems, but they will pass soon.
    I`m copying this pic, it is adorable.
