This year Xavier's school had a Halloween parade and party that parents were invited to. I decided that it was worth the 4 hours of vacation time to go and be with Bean for this exciting day :)
Flashback to Bean's first two Halloweens |
Dust took him to school per usual that morning and I stayed home and prepared the plates I had offered to bring for the party. I made a Jack-o-lantern veggie plate and then brought the supplies for the babies to make banana ghosts at school :)
Banana Ghost Craft |
When I go there around 10:15, Xavier was already in his costume. He of course asked me to take it off until it was time to go outside. We hung around in the classroom until it was time to go outside for the parade. Xavier's school is set back on a coul-de-sac that also houses a few small businesses. They closed the road off for a bit and the kids went from business to business trick or treating. It was really cute. Once we made it back to the school, the Safari Man, a man who plays sing along songs with the kids each week, put on a show for us! It was fun.
Waiting on the parade |
Coloring :) |
The Ghose Xavier made :) |
Here we come! |
AhhhHhhHHhhh! |
I wanted me to hold him... |
Trick or Treat! |
Monster Smile |
Safari Man |
Dance party |
After the dance party, we went inside for story/potty time. Next, it was party time!
Story Time |
Making his ghost! |
Friends! Notice the Blue Pumpkin... |
Party Food! |
X and Ms. Bryonne |
Buddies |
Love bug |
When it was time for me to leave, Xavier lost it. he couldn't understand why I was leaving without him. It was AWFUL! I called his school on my way to work just moments after leaving to see if he had calmed down and they said that he did. By the time I got to my desk and checked his status online, he was down for nap. Regardless of him settling down, I was in my car as soon as I could be that afternoon and rushed over to get him. When I picked him up, he was happily playing outside. I snapped this pic on the way out.
That evening, when Dust got home, we went to the park to play.
After we got home, we asked Xavier if he wanted to go trick or treating with his costume but he had NO desire to put it back on. We opted for staying in and greeting trick or treaters. By the second time the doorbell rang, bean had the right idea and would rush to the door and point to the bowl of candy.
When the bell rang a third time, we went to hand out the candy. Xavier was happily helping when he suddenly LOST HIS MIND! I mean he threw himself on the ground screaming and crying. We thought he had hurt himself and it wasn't until the kids left and he calmed down that he was able to tell us that he thought we gave one of the trick or treaters his blue pumpkin!!! One of the kids had the same pumpkin, he saw it, and assumed that we had given his away. HIS HEART WAS BROKEN!!! We rushed to the kitchen to show him that he still had his pumpkin and we promised not to give it away. Still, every time the door bell rang he had a mini panic attack and started guarding his bucket. It was so comical, i just HAD to snap a pic :)
Over all, Beanie had a great 3rd Halloween :)
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