He is currently running everywhere. He is the definition of mobile! He also went through a "walking backward" phase. He backed up everywhere he went...especially into chairs and walls.
It is pretty clear the he is understanding pretty much everything we say to him. He answers with nodding and shaking his head. He is very good at following directions and his newest "trick" is putting his dirty clothes in his hamper.
We recently got him a chair that is just his size. He LOVES it. He snuggles up in it, jumps out of it, pushes it over, and basically uses it as a prop.
He is still obsessed with his playroom and his car. He literally spends hours playing back there. It is perfect because we can see him from the family room and we visit each other every once and a while. He plays SO good by himself.
He is saying words that sound like actual words. Examples are thank you, one, two, yay, go, red and yellow. He is much more vocal now. Even if he doesn't use words, he uses sounds to play with his toys. It is adorable.
His favorite word is "Uh-oh" and he says it 500 times a day! While watching his cartoons, he answers the characters questions. He is starting to understand the norms of conversation.
He has a new attitude and some hilarious facial expressions to go with it. He is becoming a more of a kid and less of a baby.
He is obsessed with Midnight and plays with her whenever he gets the chance.
When we make his dinner, he watches us make food and gets VERY impatient. He hasn't figured out yet that the stove, oven and microwave take time.
Hamburger and Spaghetti Sauce...yum! |
Love the chair, I just looked at one last week as a possible X-mas gift. Blessed child has about everything. I love reading about all his new accomplishments. Can`t wait to see him in Dec.