Friday, Beanie had his two month checkup! Due to a change in insurance, he started seeing a new pediatrician. We chose the new doctor based on a reference given to us by one of Dustin's professors. This visit was to meet the new doctor and to check on Bean's progress. Due to final exams and classes, Dust had to skip this appointment. Deneen was in town, however, so she was able to go with me!
On our way! |
Getting to the appointment was not easy. Bean's new pediatrician is located in downtown St. Pete at a large children's hospital. There were different buildings on both sides of the street for several blocks and we were unsure of which building we needed to be in. On top of the busy location and many buildings, it was POURING down rain. It was easily the hardest rainfall we have had all summer. It was annoying.
After a few wrong turns and a call to the doctor's office, we found the correct parking garage and headed to the fifth floor where Beanie would see Dr.Chavez.
Waiting to be called back! |
Always so concerned! |
Once we were called back, the nurse took Bean's weight, height and head circumference. As expected, he was in the 95th percentile for ALL three measurements. My precious 9 week old weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs and 10 oz. and was 24 inches tall...he's strong and healthy :)
Hanging out... |
So big! |
When the doctor came in, he introduced himself and we discussed shots and other milestones that Beanie would soon be reaching. He explained different ways I could help Bean to sit up and roll over (all of which I have been doing since practically day 1). He also noticed that the right side of Bean's head is slightly flatter than the left. We had noticed this many weeks ago and try to get him to lay on the left as well. For now, he simply prefers the biggie :)
Notice he is facing the right... |
And again.... |
After all of the checking and talking, the doctor mentioned one more thing that we had not discussed with our previous pediatrician. Dr. Chavez noticed that when Bean cries, he makes a weird gulping sound at the end of it, but only when he is sitting up. The gulping goes away when he is laying on his tummy. He "diagnosed" this as a floppy windpipe but said that it was "no big deal" and would likely fix itself in the months or years to come. Clearly it is not a huge issue because if it was, Beanie would have a hard time eating and breathing at the same time. His nearly 15 lb build helps me to not worry so much about it :)
Beanie will go back in a week for his 2 month appointment that Dustin will take him to since I head back to work this week.
All in all, Beanie checked out just great and we liked the new pediatrician. We are so blessed to have such an amazing little boy!
Headin' home! |
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