Beanie has been sleeping in his bassinet, next to our bed, from the first day he came home. Unfortunately, he outgrew it about three weeks ago :( Since then, Dustin has been on me nearly every night to put him in his crib. There were several days when I agreed to do it, but when bedtime came, I just couldn't bear the thought of him not being right next to me!
Right next to mama! |
I could say I wanted him next to me for the convenience of feeding him, but that wouldn't be entirely true. Yes, I usually just feed him in bed, but honestly, I am simply comforted by the thought that I can just glance over and see him in the middle of the night. I am a constant worrier and when he is next to me I can check to make sure he is ok at anytime. Of course, I usually check on him a little too often so even when he sleeps for long periods of time, I often wake in the morning feeling less than rested.
Even Midsy likes it when Beanie is in the bassinet :) |
Anyway, I knew that it was time to move him to his crib. He was waking himself up because he would smack the sides or jostle the bassinet to the point of rocking himself. He was clearly not as comfortable as he would be in the beautiful cherry crib that I just HAD to have. But, moving him into his own room meant that he was getting bigger. The thought of it still breaks my heart!
Precious 3 day old baby boy in his bassinet :) |
Plenty of room to grow! (5 days old) |
So tiny :) |
Now...Dust calls him a sardine :( |
On Sunday morning, Beanie woke up around 7AM. On the weekends, this is Dustin's shift. As I mentioned before, he graciously allows me to sleep in on most Saturdays and Sundays! I woke up around 9 and walked into the den where I usually find Dustin fiddling around on the computer and Beanie next to him playing/sleeping under his play yard.
Hi mama! |
Bean's play yard! |
To my surprise, Bean was no where to be seen. I looked at Dustin immediately with worry and he knew what I was thinking...where is baby? He clicked the computer screen and it took me a second to realize what he was doing. There, on the desktop, was video of Beanie in his crib. Our baby monitor does not have video and the sound is sub par at Dustin decided to be inventive! He placed his iPad in the crib, upright so that he could see baby. He then set up the skype on both computers so that he could check on him at all times from the den at the other end of the house. It was brilliant and hilarious! There was bean, watching the mobile and playing nicely in his crib.
Daddy and Baby cute! |
It was then that I realized how much Bean liked his crib. I decided that it really was time for him to sleep in his own room. I had been selfish long enough. Beanie would be fine in the big was me who was having a hard time! That day, while I cleaned the nursery, Bean played in his crib.
I love my mobile! |
Also, when he napped, I put him down in the crib because I wanted him to become accustomed to it. Usually when he naps, it's in the bassinet, on the floor on a soft blanket, or in his swing. I figured that practicing during the day would make it easier for me that night.
Nap time! |
Well, Sunday night came quickly. I had been dreading it to be honest. I knew though, that Dustin was not going to let me back out now. At 10PM, I fed him, changed him and rocked him. When it was time to put him down, Dustin came into the nursery to assist...probably because he was sure I wouldn't go through with it...but I did!
After putting him down, we went back into the living room and watched some TV. By Midnight, we were heading to bed and checked on him one last time. He was still sleeping soundly and he looked so comfortable. I had the sudden urge to grab him and take him into the bedroom with us, but Dustin stopped me.
Sleepy baby :) |
I fell asleep much more quickly than I thought I would. I drifted off and the next thing I knew, I heard Beanie whimpering. I looked at the clock and it was 4:45AM. He had slept for nearly 7 hours and I had just had nearly 5 hours of uninterrupted far the most I'd had in 8 weeks! I ran to his aid and not surprisingly, Dustin was right behind me. We both greeted him and he was happy to see us. I took my time feeding and changing him. I rocked him a little longer than usual, and reluctantly put him back into the big crib.
I was unable to sleep after this so I spent the next hour and a half picking up the house, playing around on the computer, and checking on him constantly. At about 5:30, I fell back asleep to be greeted with his little whimper at 6. I went in and found him pouting because he had lost his binky. I plopped it back into his mouth but it wasn't long before he was whimpering again. He had lost it again. Because I did not want to run back and forth for the remainder of the morning, I decided it best to bring him back into the bedroom with us...
He spent the rest of the morning in the bassinet or laying on my chest. I decided that this whole sleeping in the crib thing might be a gradual process :)
Mama's big boy!! :) |
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