It's 12:30 AM. My alarm will go off in 4.5 hours. And I can't sleep. Tomorrow is my first day back to work. This is the moment I have been dreading since September 29, 2011- the day I found out I was pregnant.
Happy baby :) |
I am so thankful for my 9 1/2 weeks at home with my Beanie. I know as a teacher, in the future I will get to spend time with him that other parents only dream of. Two weeks at Christmas, a week for Thanksgiving, spring break, and eight weeks of summer...but for now, I could not be more sad that I have to leave him tomorrow.
Hi Mommy! |
I am thankful for Deneen. Tomorrow, he will be at home with his pup, his bed, his comfy blankets and his grandma. I am thankful that I don't have to worry about daycare...yet. I know that they will have a great day and he will be fine. Hopefully he doesn't notice my absence...
So thankful for the opportunity to watch him grow! |
I am thankful for my job. So many friends that graduated with me at IU are still looking for teaching positions and here I am, about to start year three, complaining? I am very thankful for the opportunities that I have...but I will miss my baby :(
Hopefully, I will reread this post in the near future and laugh at how dramatic it is but in this moment I am honestly just so darn sad :(
I'll be fine :) |
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