The whole reason we flew home was to attend my sister's wedding. I chose not to be in the wedding because while the planning was going on I was pregnant and had no idea what size dress I would need or how I would feel after having a baby. Lame, I know. But Dustin was a groomsmen in the wedding so he represented our little family :)
We woke up on wedding day to a happy baby :)
too cute! |
sleepy!! |
skinny jeans!! |
We packed up everything we needed and happened upon an outfit my mom had bought for Beanie to wear in the wedding before we knew he was a boy....maybe the next one, mama! :)
A sailor GIRL outfit... :) |
Dustin watched bean that morning at his mom's house (that post is coming soon!) while I went to get my hair done with the girls!
flower girl :) |
After getting my hair done, I ran a few last minute reception items to Idle Creek for Kylee. By the time I was done, all of the girls were finished with hair as well. We all went back to Kylee's beautiful home to get ready. Unfortunately we were to busy getting all glammed up to take pictures.
Layla helping me at Idle Creek! |
Before we knew it, it was time to leave for the ceremony!
Kimberly, Kylee, Bryar and myself all rode together. Of course, because we were in Terre Haute, Indiana, we were railroaded twice on the way to the White Chapel on Rose Hulman's campus. Needless to say Kylee was stressed...
Mommy and Daddy are getting married today!!! |
On the way to the chapel with Mrs. Brand! |
When we arrived at the chapel, Dustin (being the most punctual person on Earth) was already there waiting on us with Beanie :)
My boys! |
The girls immediately went into the dressing room to finish getting ready and to help Kylee get ready. Babies were running in and out. It was wonderful chaos :)
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography llc |
baby powder..haha |
Loved her dress! |
so gorgeous! |
love her! |
candid |
Mom & Bean :) |
Beanie loves his mimi!!!! |
Sleepy Flower girl :) |
After everyone was dressed, it was time for pictures! Kylee didn't want Evan to see her until she walked down the aisle so this was part one of pictures. All of the group pictures followed the ceremony. The photographer in Kylee's wedding was Connie Dawson, Dawson Photography LLC. She was amazing! They had the most adorable pictures! Here are some of the "before ceremony" pics as well as pics of Beanie with family :)
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Seriously, how beautiful is my sister?! |
3 of the bridesmaids! |
Hubby and Brother-in-law! |
Kimberly, Amy, Andy and Charlie! |
My beautiful sister and niece! |
Beanie hanging out before the wedding! He's sooo cute! :) |
Beanie all dressed up! |
Silly!!! |
Papa! |
<3 |
Caroline Olivia! |
Kimmy! |
My wonderful/adorable parents :) |
Ethan, Layla and Carter...too cute!! |
Cute! |
Papa Kylee and Mimi! |
Aunt Gloria and Beanie! |
Emily and Beanie! |
Xavier's Mommy and Daddy :) |
We love you Beanie! |
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Jones and Holt Babies :) |
Charlie, Evan and Thomas looking for the bride! |
Cousins! |
Bryar :) |
Before we knew it, the wedding began! Beanie and I were supposed to sit in the front row with my parents so we found our seats. The music began and the grandparents were ushered in. They also sat in the front row. First Grandma and and Grandpa Austin, next the Clouse's. After my grandpa Clouse sat down, he asked to hold Xavier. As I was passing him, I heard some business going on in Beanie's diaper but didn't think anything of it. Next, the mothers were ushered in. As my mom approached, I heard some more business going on in Beanie's diaper. Suddenly, my grandpa jumped. Beanie had pooped and it was leaking out of his diaper! The next the I know I am holding him and my grandpa is cleaning poop off of his suit! My mom told me not to get upset and to just take Bean to the dressing room and change him. I hurried down the aisle before the bridal party headed in. I was mortified to say the least....
 | got on the carpet too... haahaha |
Luckily, no one (except for the front two rows on the bride's side) noticed anything. Before this all happened, however, I was able to watch as the bridesmaids made their way down the sidewalk into the white chapel. This is a BEAUTIFUL candid the photographer was able to capture of Kylee and my dad! :)
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
I was able to change Beanie and get back into the chapel before Kylee walked in...thank goodness! She was gorgeous and the ceremony was adorable! Bryar "preached" from my dad's arms the whole time! He was very excited that his mommy and daddy were getting married :)
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC |
Evan and Bryar waiting for the Bride! |
Walking down the aisle!!
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
Photo Credit: Dawson Photography LLC
How wonderful~!!! I felt like I was there:) This was a very cool way to recap and tell everyone about your sisters beautiful day~~!!