Last Thursday was Deneen's last day with us. After 11 days, her extended visit was coming to an end. We were all flying to Terre Haute Thursday evening. Thursday was also Dustin's last final exam of his 6th trimester of Chiropractic school. After this test, he had more than successfully completed his second year of becoming a doctor! (He won't let me brag about his GPA but just know he did pretty stinkin' good ;)
I love you grandma Nene! |
He took me to work bright and early and headed to school to take his exam at 8AM. After he completed it, he headed to the gym for a quick workout, gave Midsy a bath, and checked the bags to make sure everything was in order. Next he spent some time playing with his favorite bean!
Silly! |
Peekaboo! |
(I love pictures of the two of them...can you tell?)
Hey Man! |
After playing with Beanie for a bit, Dustin took on the task of giving Beanie a bath! It was his first time doing it alone and he did a great job! :)
My life :) |
Hi! |
Next, Deneen put Xavier in a new outfit that she had bought for was too cute!!!
Our friend Kristin came by to pick up Midnight for the weekend. After a short visit with her, Dust, Bean and Deneen headed to my school to pick me up! There, Beanie met a few new faces and some familiar ones. After a few moments of oogling over the baby, we headed for the airport.
We arrived at approximately 4:30...2 hours before our flight left. We had never traveled with a baby before so we wanted to make sure we had plenty of time. Getting through the airport and security was easier than expected and we ended up getting to the gate with 90 minutes until take off.
Daddy and Beanie at the Tampa International Airport |
8/16/2012 with grandma nene |
Looove him :) |
When we arrived at the gate, Deneen and I ate while Dustin volunteered to take Beanie to the restroom to change him...BIG mistake! On the way to the restroom, Dustin felt/heard some suspicious things going on in Beanie's pants. Long story short, Dustin returned literally 30 minutes later and Beanie was wearing new clothes....
He had pooped through his diaper and, consequently, all over his new outfit! Dustin didn't realize this when he went to change him so he ended up dirtying the blanky as well! He was not a happy camper when he returned...Dustin, that is. Beanie was clean and dry...he was perfectly loveable!!
Due to Xavier's explosion, Dustin didn't have time to eat dinner...
Bean's first plane! |
Flight information :) |
Shortly, we began to board the plane. Dustin and I sat next to eachother, with Beanie on my lap. Deneen sat behind us next to a young man named Juan. He was a student at Wabash College and he was majoring in physics. He spent the majority of the flight speaking with Deneen about Quantum Physics.....
Meanwhile, Dustin and I passed Xavier back and forth. He ended up falling asleep in Dustin's arms. He did so good! He didn't cry at all. He received several compliments from other passengers as we exited the aircraft. We were so proud of our baby boy!
Eating before takeoff! |
Asleep in Daddy's arms |
Once we landed safely, I approached the flight attendant and asked if they still gave out wings for "first time flyers." She told me that she had one pair left and handed it to me. After taking his picture with the cute little pilot wings, I put them in his baby book for safe keeping :)
Beanie's wings! |
First time flyer! Age 9 weeks 6 days |
My parents were at the airport to pick us up when we landed. Sadly, it was such an emotional reunion that I forgot to take pictures. It was wonderful to see them. We are so grateful for our families :)
First picture in Indiana! |
Daddy trying to get situated |
Stories about Beanie's adventures in Indiana are soon to follow! Stay tuned :)
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