Wednesday, October 30, 2019

AR and Behavior Charts!

This year, Xavier set a personal goal of earning 100 AR points throughout the school year. To put this in perspective for the non-teachers around here, the expectation his teacher had for him was to earn 32. He was adamant that he reach this goal so Dustin and I hopped on board and decided to support him. We are all in when our babies set goals, especially if it has to do with their reading and learning!
Because I am the way I am....I created this AR chart for him. For each 10 points, he earns a cool reward. He has scooted through this chart much more quickly than we were anticipating and already has 45 in just mid October....

It has turned out to be lots of fun for our family to track and of course Luke wanted in on the fun. Because AR is obviously not something Luke can do, we made him a behavior tracker. For every great day he has at school, he gets a hole punch. He works to earn rewards for his behavior and it has gone great!

They've both earned cool prizes like frozen yogurt, playdates, toys, candy, new books, and family dinners.

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