Although we are making sure Luke is getting all of the necessary vaccines, like with Xavier, we decided to spread the shots out more than the pediatrician's typical practice. Because of this, we have been frequenting the doctor quite a bit, getting one shot per week as opposed to 4 and 5 at a time. Our babies just respond better this way.
Last week, Luke went in for his HIB shot on a Wednesday. That evening, he was puny and tired like he always is after a shot but we thought nothing of it. On Thursday, we noticed he had almost no appetite and by 3:30PM he was only taking 1-3 of his normal 5 oz bottles. That evening, he had a lousy 1 oz before falling asleep around 8PM. He didn't wake up until 5 AM on Friday to eat and when he ate at 5, he promptly vomited the whole bottle back up. Again, he has puked here and there throughout his little life so we thought it was either the shot or just bad formula. We sent him to school because he was as happy as can be and had no other symptoms AND even though he hadn't eaten much, he had 2 BMs and normal wet diapers since the shot. So, Friday after arriving at work, I got on Daily Connect to let them know what had been going on. Over the course of 3 hours, he went from fine to not fine. I started panicking when he threw up his second and third bottles and then started refusing food altogether. Dustin assured me it was nothing but of course, in my mind something was terribly wrong...
So, Dust called the pediatrician and they said they could see him at 1PM. Dust ran to get him from school and they went to the doctor. After listening to all of the symptoms and important information, Dr. Walker assured Dustin that he had a simple viral tummy bug and would be just fine (whew!). He told us to give him pedialyte for the next 18 hours before attempting formula again, along with some other directions. (Sidenote- even after barely eating for 48 hours and 2 BMs, this chub still weighed 17.4 lbs!)
At the Doc with Daddy |
That evening, he was able to keep everything down and his vomiting turned to diarrhea. Though he had some poopy situations throughout the weekend, his spirits remained high and by Monday, he was back to his healthy little self :)
Angel Baby! |
I am a typical over-reactor and got myself worked into a tizzy for nothing but I am so thankful that it was just a little bug! :)
Sick Baby :( |
Rosy Cheeks- still in good spirits |
Resting |
So sorry our little man isn`t feeling well - hope he is back to normal quickly.