You might all remember notorious Charlie…the little boy who gave Xavier that big black eye. Well, turns out Charlie and Xavier are the best of friends these days. A couple weeks ago, we received an invitation to Charlie's 3rd birthday party and Xavier was so excited he couldn't hardly see straight. Dustin and I decided immediately that we wouldn't stop the black eye from letting Bean have some fun. The kid was 2 when it happened…it could just as easily been Xavier who gave Charlie the black eye.
Not in the mood to pose... |
Ninja Turtle shirt for Ninja Turtle party! |
Soooo, fast forward to last Saturday and the party was upon us. Xavier and I got ready to go while daddy got ready for work. We headed out and made it to the party around 11 AM. Xavier fell asleep on the way there so once we arrived, it took him a while to wake up. After about 20 minutes or so, however, he was in full party mode. It was adorable to watch him play with his little friends. He had so much fun! I had a blast just watching him interact with other littles and, of course, took a million pics and videos.
There were two bounce houses, one for the little guys and one for the big guys. Xavier felt that he fell in both categories apparently because he bounced back and forth between both! He also played with the bikes, cars and strollers as well as the different ball sports. He ate some chips and drank some juice…it was this kid's paradise!
Still not awake... |
hahaha |
Starting to wake up! |
Telling daddy all about it! |
We were so glad that we were able to make this little party. Xavier couldn't stop talking about it and when daddy got home, he went on and on and on!
Looks like a fun-filled party. Is Charlie in the gray shirt with yellow sleeves?