I'm pregnant. And so excited I can't stand it. And so terrified I don't know what to do with myself. But, I am pregnant.
It took us 2 months this time around, and here we are. Expecting.
Yesterday, Thursday, August 21, 2014, we found out. But I have to tell the whole story for baby #3 so I need to back up a few weeks. Nearly 8 to be exact.
We decided in June to go for it and in July, were saddened when it wasn't immediate. I was really upset because we weren't even trying when we conceived Bean and when we got pregnant with Penelope, we were not trying super hard either- we were just going with the flow and BAM, it was immediate. Of course with everything we have been through, I immediately jumped to conclusions, convinced something had ruined me. Dustin, however, was his usual calm self, and essentially made me pull myself together, and move on.
I happened to have a doctor's appointment for something completely unrelated the second time around. It was the day that I was supposed to take a test a pregnancy test so I asked my doctor to do so. It was negative and I was heartbroken. I went home, told Dust and moped around for the evening. Sure enough, however, 2 days passed and nothing happened so after school on a Thursday, I ran to Walmart, grabbed some tests, picked up Bean and headed home. The second we got home, I took a test. It was positive. I fell to the floor sobbing and laughing. Xavier probably thought I was losing my mind! But he laughed with me and after making sure my tears were that of joy, joined in and hugged me over and over. :)
A faint positive :) |
I immediately texted Dust. I told him that I wanted to meet at his work at 6 when he got off so that we could switch cars. I was going to the gym and he would take Bean home (lie #1). When we arrived, however, I told him change of plans. I no longer felt like working out, my mom had sent a toys'R'us gift card (no she didn't- lie #2) and that I wanted to go get Bean a toy. He jumped in the car thinking nothing of it and we drove across town to the toy store. When we arrived, I cleverly parked in the expecting mother parking space. "Dear, you aren't an expecting mother. Did you see the sign?" I just looked at him and smiled until there were tears. "Seriously?!?!" was all he could muster!
Where I will be parking for the next 8 months :) |
"Smile for daddy! |
Yay! |
Blessed <3 |
It was wonderful and we hugged and cried and celebrated with a new toy for bean and dinner out.
Time for a Big Brother Toy :) |
:) |
Bingo! |
He chose a Discovery Channel Safari kit |
Check out! |
Dinner at Roadhouse |
Amazing Daddy |
Triple B (Big Brother Bean) |
I am so happy I want to shout it from the roof tops…but I know I can't. It's too risky. I am only 5 weeks pregnant right now and I need to keep it to myself for as long as possible.
So, baby #3. This is it. We love you so much already it hurts. We are so excited we can't stand it. We are so terrified we don't know what to do. Except love you :)
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