So two weeks ago I was on Spring Break from school. The original plan was for my parents to come down here and take Xavier and I to Gulf Shores where we often vacationed when I was little. After speaking with my sisters, however, they all decided they would rather the two of us come to them. Dustin obviously couldn't take this time off work so we reluctantly went without him. My parents got us a VERY last minute flight out of Tallahassee (the smallest airport ever...) and it was decided.
Because Tallahassee is only a Regional airport, not an international one, they don't have direct flights to Indianapolis. Because of this, we were scheduled to fly to Charlotte and then out to Indy. Sunday afternoon as I was doing some last minute cleaning and packing when my phone rang to let me know that the plane had been delayed. This happened two more times and by the third time, I knew there would not be enough time to make our connection in Charlotte. I got on the phone with the airline and rescheduled a flight out of Charlotte that would put us in Indy in the middle of the night. It wasn't ideal but I didn't have any other choice. Dustin reluctantly dropped us off at the airport and we hugged and kissed him like we wouldn't see him for a week.
Xavier and I got through baggage and security and were heading to the gate when we got another call. Our flight had been delayed again. Awesome. We waited and waited until our flight time began to approach. After sitting at the airport for 2.5 hours, my phone rang one last time. The flight to Charlotte had been canceled. We got in line and spoke with the representative about next steps. We opted for an early morning flight as the likelihood of getting to indy that day was slim. I called Dust and he came to get us. It was annoying but also nice to get an unplanned night at home with Dust :)
The next morning we flew out bright and early. No problems and we even had great seats. Because it was the redeye, Xavier slept the whole first flight. We went through Atlanta (which is usually the BIGGEST pain) but it was easy! We hopped off the plane and had just enough time for a diaper change and juice break and got right on the next plane. This was an easy flight too! He was totally into looking out the window and watching Mickey Mouse on the iPad. He did amazing and was complemented by everyone who walked by!
Once we got off the plane, my dad greeted us in baggage claim. It was so nice to see him and Xavier reached out for him! He remembered him! :) It was such a special moment! Once we got back to the car, Xavier recognized my mom too and we had a great breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Plainfield.
The rest of the week was totally low key. So low key that I spent the whole week in yoga pants and tee-shirts :) It was nice. We spent time with Dust's family and mine. We saws aunts and cousins and grandparents. It was nice. Rather than write a novel for the week, I thought I would share the pics and use the captions to tell the story. Here are some pictures of Beanie in Indiana for Spring Break 2014.
Waiting at the airport |
Waiting on daddy to come back for us! |
Let's try this again! |
His serious face |
Watching Jake on the Plane |
Fell asleep on the drive back to Terre Haute holding Mimi's hand |
Their hide out aka my moms laundry room |
Closing the door- No Moms Allowed! |
He and Bryar were obsessed with each other |
:) |
Playing in Mimi's jewelry |
Uncle Evan! |
Long Day! Whew! |
Sneaking papa's chili! |
Boys Boys Boys! |
This was the cool thing to do this week! |
They loved it! |
Bath with Jack! |
Veggin' Out! |
ZzzZZzZZzzzZ |
Found this little gem! Circa 2004!! |
Full Load! |
Breakfast! |
Grandpa and Papa |
Dare Devil |
Jack |
Kimberly--8 months pregnant! |
Weee! |
Aunt Kylee, Bryar and Bean |
tuckered out! |
Grandma's Grave |
Great Grandma and Grandpa's Graves |
Rehydrating after the park! |
Love this |
It does my heart good to see him with cousins |
He LOVED this! |
Time to head home! |
P.S. This was his 8th trip to Indiana. Can you believe it?!
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