After everything that has happened in the last month, I must admit I was very apprehensive about leaving Dust on Thanksgiving. After some nudging on his and my family's parts, however, I decided to make the trip.
We flew out of Tampa on the Monday before Turkey Day and it was a MESS! It was the busiest I have ever seen it. Of course Xavier decided not to nap that day and was also a mess. While we were waiting at the gate, he was determined to do everything I asked him not to. I was panicking about the flight. Luckily once we boarded, he decided it was nap time and slept the whole two hours. Thank the Lord.
Playing at the Tampa Airport |
Once we landed, I told my dad not to worry about parking and to just wait in the cell phone lot. He kept asking if I needed his help but I thought it would be easier to haul all of our stuff the 30 yards from the baggage claim to the door rather than to have him help and have to go all the way to the parking lot. I was wrong. I was trying to handle a stroller with a 36 lb kid in it, a huge suitcase, a car seat and a diaper bag. Oh..and my kid was losing his mind because he has no concept of 20 degree weather or a puffy winter coat. Several airport workers watched as I struggled. We put on quite the show. Luckily, a kind woman who was waiting on friends helped me to the door. Once he pulled up, my dad hopped out of the SUV and helped me throw everything in the car. We had made it safely but it was COLD!
We called the rest of the family who had already eaten dinner so we decided to stop at Cracker Barrel in Plainfield. It was a nice little dinner and it was great to spend some time with my dad :)
When we got home, we had lots of people waiting on us: My sisters, their husbands and children and of course my mama. It was a bittersweet reunion as it was the first time I had seen my sisters since losing Penelope. After lots of hugs and kisses, the kids played and the adults sat around and visited. It got pretty late before everyone left. We stayed with Kimberly and Neil for the first half of the trip so that Xavier would have kiddies to play with. It worked out really well and they even set up a cute room just for us. The only problem with this was that Xavier slept in a toddler bed. Oh my word, what a mess.
That night Xavier woke me up no less than 20 times because he had fallen out of bed. Now this bed, mind you, was about 6 inches off the ground and had railings but he wrestles tigers in his sleep so it was miserable.

Tuesday, we hung out at Kimberly's house all day! She has a fabulous fireplace and we just watched the babies play. Kylee and Bryar came over and it was one of those rare days that you are in jammies all day. My aunts and cousins stopped by too. It was much needed.
Playing! |
My mom and aunt Lani |
Layla bug |
Kimberly, Neil, and Jack |
Jack and Xavier Playing Trains |
Bryar and Bean |
He was obsessed with being in the cage... |
Building with Charlie |
obsesseddddd |
Wednesday, Xavier and I spent the day at Deneen's house. It was wonderful seeing Deneen and Ruth and Dustin's Aunt Loni came over to visit, too! Xavier's favorite part was the dogs of course. He wore them out within minutes. They were not a fan of him, I am afraid and avoided him most of the day. After being there for about an hour Clayton arrived. Beanie ran right to him (I am pretty sure he thought Clay was Dustin for like 10 minutes...). We spent the day chatting, watching old episodes of Sesame Street, sweeping (seriously), and eating. Granny Ruth and Loni left around 4 PM so that Ruth wasn't driving back to Indy in the dark. It was nice of her to make the trip and we appreciated it :) We know that it was nerve-racking for her! Deneen made individual meat-loafs, baked potatoes and steamed veggies for dinner. It was delicious and Xavier ate two whole mini meat-loafs. It was impressive. We had such a great time with family :)
Cutie patooty |
Sweeping! |
:) |
Granny Ruth! |
Mesmerized by Sesame Street |
Thursday was also a great day with family. We went to my grandma Clouse's house and had Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom's side of the family. There were so many aunts, uncles and cousins. It was wonderful :) Of course my brother in law Neil, or the baby whisperer as we call him, fell asleep with Xavier after dinner and they missed most of the excitement ;)
Bundled Baby! |
Thanksgiving boo boo |
Napping with Uncle Neil |
Thursday night, Xavier and I packed up shop at Kimberly's house and headed to my mom and dad's house. We decided to spend the last two nights there so that they could see us more and so that Xavier could sleep in their nursery (and crib!). It was this evening that my sisters came over with a special gift. That post is coming soon :)
On Friday morning, we headed over to Bryan's house. We spent the morning there with him and Lucy and Paul, Dustin's grandparents. It was nice to see and visit with them. Xavier and Bryan hit it off again immediately. They played with cars, blocks and pots and pans. It was a short two hour visit but we weren't sad because we will see him again in less than two weeks!
:) |
Playing the "Drums" |
Instruments everywhere! |
Paul and Lucy :) |
He kept doing this!!! |
We spent the remainder of Friday bouncing from house to house and ended up at my parents. My dad made his chili and everyone came over for dinner. Xavier spent the evening drinking out of Evan's (my brother in law) cup! My grandpa Austin came for dinner too. It was nice to be around family. We miss it in Florida.
Grandpa, Dad and Bean |
Stakeman Fam |
Uncle Evan! |
Saturday morning, we packed up and met up with Deneen to say goodbye. She had bought Xavier an adorable advent calendar for a Christmas countdown. After a quick hug and kiss, we headed to breakfast one last time and then we were off to Indy. My parents went with us to get our boarding passes and walked with us to security. We sat down for a bit to chat before it was time for us to go. This goodbye was hard just like all the others but it was nice to know we would see them soon.
When we got on the plane, Xavier was very well behaved and was awake for the first half of the flight. He has flown 6 or 7 times and this was the first time he didn't fall asleep immediately. He woke up when we landed and was still very out of it when we met Dustin at the elevator. Once he realized we were heading home and that daddy was pushing his stroller, he perked up.
On the plane |
Overall, our trip was great. We are so thankful for our precious family.
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