About six weeks ago, Dustin accepted a position as an associate doctor at Pathway Wellness Chiropractic Center. While this is exciting news it has also been nerve racking and scary too!
Before this offer, Dustin visited Tally/interviewed with the doctor a few times and Xavier and I have since joined him for three or four trips. We have found a new home and I, surprisingly, even got a new job at an excellent A+ school in the area :)
We are excited to start a new chapter of our lives and pray that it only gets better from here :)
I previously mentioned a calendar that Deneen bought for Xavier. It is a Christmas countdown and he LOVES it! He asks Dust every night to take off a candy cane. It has been lots of fun :)
I also got Xavier's reaction on film and it is super cute :)
Recently, I asked some of my friends of great neighborhoods to drive through to show Beanie some lights. One of my friends suggested a place in Brandon, FL called "Christmas Lane." Dustin and I googled it and decided it would be worth the hour long drive. So last Sunday night, we packed Beanie up and headed for Christmas lane.
Hard to see, but this was their fancy sign...
We arrived right at the opening and it was already PACKED! It took us a while to find a parking spot but after we did, we headed toward the decorated property. Christmas Lane is essentially a big house that is decorated to the nines with tents and sheds and booths set up for families. There is a concession stand for hot coacoa and coffee, a live Christmas band, a little train for kids to ride, Santa and so many more things. It was perfect, though very congested.
Live Band
Little TV pods that were playing Christmas movies throughout
Me and my Beanie
Nativity Scene
We spent the first 10 minutes walking around and scoping out the place. Xavier was enthralled! He was so curious and just took it all in.
More Facts!
Silly Baby
Family Photo!
After touring the grounds, we decided to get in the Santa Line. It was LoOOoOoOOOOoooOong...and after 10 minutes and NO movement, we decided to catch Santa at the mall another time.
After we hopped out of Santa's line, Xavier caught a glimpse of the train. He immediately pointed and grunted, making it clear that he wanted on the train. I didn't think that it would be possible because adults were not allowed in the waiting area. This meant my one year old little andgel would have to wait by himself. After Xavier made it clear that this was what he wanted to do, however, Dustin and I decided to give it a try.
Dustin headed over to an area with a great view for filming while I waited in the initial line with Bean. After a quick five minutes, he passed the hieght requirement and headed into the waiting zone. He was so curious that he didn't even need me to hold him! He did, on occasion, however, look back to make sure I was still right where he had left me.
Waiting With Mama!
All by himself!
Talking to new friends!
Can you see him wayyyy back there by himself??
Blurry but he is peeking over the fence!
Me and Beanie :)
Once it was his turn to go, he told him to get on the train. He headed in that direction, until a volunteer tried to help him along. He doesn't like strangers so he ran back to me as fast as he could. After a few more hesitations, I finally told the volunteer that he was scared of her, not the train and to just pick him up and put him in. She did and he was fine--more than fine, he was tickled to be on that train! He went around and around and I couldn't believe how big my baby was!!! (I may have shed a tear or two...) He was absolutely the cutest thing in the world and after he got off of the train, he was SO PROUD of himself!
On the train!
That is his curly head :)
Running back to me!
We had such a great time and it was such a blessing to watch our little boy get excited about the Holiday Season :)