Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dental Checkup

Xavier went for his 6 month dental checkup last month. We are proud to report that he is cavity free and it seems his dental troubles are behind him. We just love his dentist! Thanks Dr. Shawn!

Living his best life  LOL

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Fun with Gramps!

Bryan and Niki have been in town all winter and it has been SO nice! We have seen them at least once a week since they arrived. They've attended all of Xavier's games and we are just ecstatic that our babies get to have family around! We aren't used to it after a decade of living down here alone!!

We love you Grandpa and Niki!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Toucan of the Week!

Xavier was recently picked as "Toucan of the Week" at school. This meant that he got special  privileges throughout the week and got to make a sweet poster about himself! Pf course, this was a daddy project. My boys are so cute!! We are proud of you little Toucan!

We got our little Toucan these books as a little gift to celebrate his accomplishment!

Friday, February 22, 2019

MLK at Daddy's Work

The kids and I were off for MLK Day this year so we decided to visit daddy at work for an quick adjustment and some play time. While we were there, we got to see some of the upgrades they've made on the building. It looks really nice :)

Silly Boys...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A+ Report Card

Xavier got straight A's on his report card again this go around so we celebrated with a yummy dinner and a family game night! Way to go Beanie!