Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Bible Verse Baby

Some of my Bible School Baby's verses :) He will have learned one for each letter by the end of the year but it has been too much to keep up with. The good news is he has an A in Bible and memorized every single one! We are proud of you Beans!


Basketball- 2 Timothy 3 16:17

Psalm 100

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Dr. Seuss Day!

It was Dr. Suess' birthday earlier this month and the boys both got to have some fun to celebrate! Luke brought a Dr. Seuss book to school for his teacher to read, played games and even got to make and eat green eggs and ham! He loved it!

Xavier celebrated as well! He wore his Dr. Seuss shirt and his daddy surprised him and read a book to his class!!

Oh, these years are so fun!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mail From School

Sweet Luke's class was learning all about the postal service so they sent and recieved mail last month. Luke just LOVES getting mail (thanks to our regulars Granny Ruth and Grandma Lucy!) He just loved receiving mail from his classmates. It was super cute :)

Sending off his own mail!

He is learning new things every day! <3

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Visitors for the Weekend

My parents came to visit in February because they missed the boys Oh-So-Much! We had such a beautiful weekend with them :) The boys love riding in Papa's big truck! We had lots of yummy meals, did some shoppin, and got lots of play time!

Racing at Sonny's

 Ice Cream is a necessity!

Mimi and Papa got to see the last soccer game and got to watch X make 3 goals! He got his medal at this game, too, which made it super special.

Luke and Papa running to meet each other!

Sweet mama!

Luke being Luke.


Oh, yah! We went swimming too!

We tried several new restaurants, all great!

Dustin's breakfast....

Play time!

Daddy and Mimi allowed this...

And on the last night, Mama and Daddy even got to go on a date!! <3

We are always so sad to see them go, but we really had a breezy, fun filled weekend with them and can't wait for the next one!