Monday, July 25, 2016

Kids Say...

X: "Mama when I grow up I want to fly a rocket ship!"
Dustin: "Xavier, that is called an astronaut. You want to be an astronaut and fly into outer space?"
X: "Yes! I want to drive the rocket ship. As long as I get to sit in the front seat..."

I was working on some phonics and sight words with Xavier the other day. I started this particular lesson with the letter "t" and suddenly it sparked something inside Xavier. He asked if he could have the board to show me something so I gave it to him. He dre amuch bigger "t" with a circle around it and began giving me a fraction lesson about fourths and took turns drawing sections and asking me how many parts were "shaded." THIS KID!!! He is smart just like his daddy :)

Xavier's fraction lesson for mommy :)

Lastly, I was in the kitchen cleaning while Luke was napping and X was drawing. He ran into find me to show me a present he had drawn for me. I was SO impressed with it that I had to take a picture! He wrote "mom" all by himself and the elephant is pretty spectacular for a 4 year old :)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summer Fun!

We've been SUPER busy this summer with travel and playdates, parks and library trips, the works! I've kept the babies pretty busy this summer and we've had a blast! I was telling Dustin a few days ago that this is the best summer vacation to date:)

Anyway, here are some pictures of some of our Tallahassee summer adventures!