Saturday, February 27, 2016

Charlie's Birthday!

In the midst of all this sickness, we have tried to continue on with our regularly scheduled activities and that includes birthday parties, of course! Especially when it is your 3 year old's best friend's birthday!


We went to Charlies' party at Chuck E Cheese a couple weekends ago. I must admit I was wary about the location but it was Charlie so we had to. It ended up being really fun and not nearly as "unsanitary" as I had anticipated. The boys had a blast and the gift that X chose for Charlie was a hit! In the thank you note we received, Charlie's mama told us that he and his brothers fought over it all weekend :) Of course, that is not surprising since every little boy knows just what to get their best friend!

The boys have attended Tiny Steps for nearly 2 years now so we have gotten really close to some of the families. I have grown close with a couple moms in particular so that makes these parties a little more enjoyable :)

Carol and Ari :)


I mean...have you ever seen anything cuter?!

These two are inseparable...
X and the birthday boy!

Thick as thieves

X, Charlie, Ari and Aspen...Some of our best play mates!

After playing for an hour or so, it was time for food, cake and "the show."

Then it was right back to playing!

These two!! Same age but he is about a head and a half taller :)

After a couple hours of play, it was time to collect our party favors and say thanks for the great time!

sweet kisses <3


We had a great time celebrating an awesome kid's 4th birthday! Xavier went on to talk about it for weeks and he can't wait until he is 4 too!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Visiting Daddy

One of the upsides to Lukey being sick is visits to daddy's work! Throughout the course of this sickness, Luke and I have taken Dust lunch a couple times and have been able to spend some "stolen" daytime hours with him. It is a nice change of pace from daycare all day for Luke and a quick lunch between grading papers and checking my mailbox for me.

On one of those trips, I thought to take a few pics...

Then Dust suggested I take his picture on the Tai mat like I did when he was just days old and visiting the office between doctors visits...


Wednesday, February 24, 2016


So, apparently this Bronchiolitus stuff is no joke. What we thought was just going to be a little blip and a few days off school has turned into 3 weeks of yuck! We've been to the doctor more with this bout of sickness than all others combined, it seems. His ongoing symptoms are fever, mucus, coughing, lack of appetite and projectile vomit. We *THINK* we may be out of the woods now, though. He hasn't had a fever for 72 hours, his coughing and mucus is minimal and he's been able to keep food down. His appetite is returning as well. We aren't getting our hopes up, however, as he has relapsed before. After doing some research, I found that this can last months and many babies are hospitalized. I am thankful that his case as not been as serious and prayerful that it doesn't go on for months.

Even though the day time is going much more smoothly, we are still really struggling at night. The Albuterol that Luke takes through the nebulizer 4 times a day is a steroid and it essentially causes insomnia. As if Luke's sleeping habits weren't already bad enough! It has been a long, frustrating, and painful couple of weeks. We started cutting off the breathing treatments at 5PM and that seems to have helped with him waking up in the middle of the night wide awake and staying awake for hours. He is still waking frequently (every 3 minutes or so) and it takes a while to get him back down. Dustin and I (and probably LUKE!) are absolutely exhausted. Beyond exhausted. I am not sure there is a word for it. So, if you are reading this please pray for this to pass so that Lukey feels better and mama and dada are rested!

Breathing Treatment with Daddy

Asleep in his high chair...

Lots of time home with Mama!