Sunday, March 29, 2015

Special Weekend With Daddy!

Last weekend, I was not feeling great and had very little energy. I am just getting to that point in the pregnancy where I am really uncomfortable. Luckily, I married Super Dad and he makes my life so much easier. On a regular basis he takes Beanie to the park to play, outside for activities, on long strolls and even on errands just so I can have time to relax.  Well last weekend was no different and Dustin got some cute pics to prove it :)

On Saturday, Dustin took Xavier to the park but instead of the usual neighborhood park that we frequent, he took him across town to the "Big, Big, Big" park as X calls it.

Making a triangle!

That evening, I had my very first pregnancy craving (a little late, I know): brownies! I mentioned it and of course, Dustin grabbed Beanie and off they went to the store where they brought home goodies for us to enjoy :) I seriously can't handle how cute these pictures are! Xavier is such a good helper!

Even when they are not away, Dustin is amazing with Bean. They literally play from sun up to sun down on the weekends. They barely allow time for water breaks! I love them so much!

Watching the IU game


Pee break while getting strong with Daddy…. 

Mickey Mouse Time!

Two Beggars…hahaha

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Junior Gym

Last week was my Spring Break. It was the first Spring Break I've had since Middle School that I didn't travel somewhere! It was also Bean's first Spring Break of not traveling, too!

Dustin and I decided that we would keep Bean in school that week, even though I was home. After two weeks off at Christmas time, it took nearly a month to get him back into the swing of things. Mornings were a nightmare and we didn't want that again! Plus, I am not nearly as much fun as his friends at school these days.

We've mentioned that he takes a gymnastic class on Wednesdays before and, though we know he loves it, we had never been able to go watch him "tumble." The class is a gymnastic company that comes to his school and teaches in their gym. We signed him up for this little "extra" as soon as we put him in the school and it was well worth it. Anyway, I was able to make sit to his school on Wednesday to watch him :)

When I got there, he was outside playing. He ran up to me and hugged me and once I told him I was staying for Junior gym, he went right back to play with his friends.

After just a few moments, it was time to start :)


Here we go!

Videos :)

It was so fun to watch him participate in the class and he was so serious about it! I'm sure he behaved slightly differently since I was like the paparazzi all up in his business but he was so happy to show off for me :)

After gymnastics, we went home and played until daddy came home. He couldn't wait to show daddy all of the pictures and videos of Junior Gym :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another haircut.......

It has been really hot here and, according to Dustin, long hair and heat don't mix. After an afternoon at the park, Dust notified me that Bean was miserable in the heat and that he was cutting Xavier's hair. In just 3 weeks, Bean's cool dude haircut grew out enough that it was time for another one. Dustin caught me in a weak (pregnant) moment and I let him go for it.

Let's just say tears were shed and Mama wasn't as excited with the buzz as daddy and baby.

Anyway, his hair has grown just since the trim last weekend so it won't be long before he is back to his cool-haired-self...hopefully :/

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Last weekend, Xavier asked to take out his gymnastic mat to play a while. This is typical of weekends and Dustin obliged without thinking anything of it.

When Xavier started playing, however, we noticed that he was putting his hands in the air before every flip flop, just as a gymnast would before a tumbling pass. This CRACKED us up! He was so serious and methodical. It took me back to my gymnastic/cheerleading days :)

After doing a few perfect flip flops, he showed us something else he had learned at gymnastics. Dustin and I were so caught off guard that, again, we could not stop laughing!

Xavier loves his gymnastics class! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Crazy Bean Videos

Here is your most recent dose of Bean vids :)

Here he is torturing his daddy ;)

Here he is sharing spinach with daddy. This just proves that ANYTHING daddy does is cool and must be copied!

Reading before bed!

Jumping in leaves!

Filming himself haha! Excuse my appearance. I was near death with the stomach flu!

Playing his Bubble game on the tablet!

X saying (or attempting) his name :) This makes me giggle!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

25 Week Appointment

On March 4th, I had one of my monthly appointments with Dr. Sundstom. I was 25 weeks 3 days. I arrived at the office at 3:45 and was not seen until 5:15. It was easily the longest I've waited to see a doctor at this particular office.

While I was in the room waiting for him to see me, I could hear him in the room next to me with a patient. She was crying and carrying on for what seemed like forever. I don't know what was going on but I could hear her say that she was scared and that she was afraid it would happen again. I immediately decided that I would not be agitated with how long it took Dr. Sundstrom to make it to my room. I had been that patient before and sometimes, you just need to cry to the doctor and get that reassurance.

When he did finally get to me, I was his very last patient of the day. He apologized over and over again and simply said that it was one of those days where a couple patients needed a little extra attention. I assured him it was fine! He turned to the nurse and said "Why don't you go get the ultrasound machine. Let's have a little fun!" I was so excited! He felt so bad for my wait that he gave me the 7th sonogram of this pregnancy!! I got to watch little Luke dance in my tummy and we even saw him yawning. It was too cute. After I asked him a list of questions Dustin and I had compiled, and he had checked everything out, I was on my way!

The baby was perfect and his heartbeat was 149. It has been 149 the last three times we have checked :) Also, he is so big that you can't see him as well on the sonogram anymore. He is very spread out so you can't get his head and feet in the same shot.

I am so thankful for a doctor who takes time with patients when they need it. I honestly feel like he genuinely cares and that makes all the difference!!

13 weeks to go!

25 Weeks 3 days

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cool Dude Haircut

Xavier's hair grows soooo fast. We find ourselves at the salon frequently to keep this little guy looking sharp. Well, this time when we went, I showed his stylist a pic I had found online of the cutest little boy haircut. It was very trendy and daring and she was surprised that I decided on that cut. She thought it was awesome though and was happy to do it. It is super short on the sides and longer on top.Throw a little gel on the top and brush it to the side and he looks very debonair.

Bean sat quietly and perfectly still throughout the entire ordeal like he always does. When she was finished, he LOVED it! This little boy who wears his hood no matter where he is, insisted on taking it off and showing off his new do.

The pics don't do it is adorable! And Bean loves it! He couldn't wait to walk into school the next morning and show his friends. When people commented, he just smiled and blushed. He is so cute!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015